Terms & Conditions

Booking Your Events

SNEE Training Hub training and events are for staff employed by a PCN or general practice in SNEE only.  We hold the right to cancel your ticket if you are from outside of this area. 

Each booking is for the attendee only, there must be a booking per delegate in their own name. Joining instructions will be held in each individual’s SNEE Training hub account. (Unless your event is booked with an external provider, in which case you will receive your joining instructions via email).   Each delegate must attend the webinar under their own account to verify attendance.  Online courses are held via zoom/Ms Teams.

By booking an event you are confirming you have your line manager’s support to attend.

If a place on a training course or webinar/workshop has been confirmed, and the candidate fails to attend without cancelling their place with 48 hours notice, the Training Hub may notify the Practice Manager and reserve the right to charge any course costs to the Practice. Non-attendance at courses without appropriate notice could disadvantage the candidate and Practice if wishing to book on future courses.  

Consent/Data Usage

By giving your email address, you are consenting to the Training Hub contacting you regarding your chosen training course and future training courses, events and opportunities that the Training Hub believe may be of interest to you. You can change your mind at any time by contacting the Training Hub email: training.hub@snee.nhs.uk.

Where necessary we will share your information with third party training organisations. This will be the minimum amount of data required to deliver training courses.

More Information

For more information about our privacy practices please contact our Data Protection Officer on DPO@snee.nhs.uk. The Training Hub will only use your information for the purposes stated and will not pass on your information to any third parties without your consent.