NHS England would like to offer AHPs in SNEE ICS the opportunity to develop in their roles as Educators. The AHP Faculty has partnered with the University of Essex to offer funded (course fees) places on their Medical and Clinical Education (MaCE) programme.
Broadly, this opportunity is for registered AHPs who currently support learners in their role (e.g. staff, students, apprentices and/or work experience).
We would like to offer a minimum of 3 Post-graduate Certificates starting in January 2025, 1 of which must support a non-ambulance paramedic (e.g. Working in ED, a UTC or primary care). We are also able offer either further places on the PGC or funding for other modules on the programme towards a PG Diploma or Master’s Degree for individuals who have already completed the PGC (or equivalent).
Please see attached supporting information document and expression of interest form. All candidates completing the EOI must also complete the course application form ahead of the deadline due to the short turnaround ahead of PGC starts in January 2025.
Deadline for EOI is Friday 6th December at 5pm.
For more information:
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1 mins