Group Clinic Lunch and Learn Webinars: Women’s Health

There are two webinars coming up that you have the chance to attend to broaden your group clinical practice.

FRIDAY 07 MARCH 12.30 – 13.30 Panel discussion: How can Group Clinics reduce waits in Gynaecology?

Gynaecology faces some of the longest in the NHS. Join Dr Sue Mann, National Clinical Director for Women’s Health, Tara Iles, Policy Advisor, Women’s Health Programme, Mrs Nadia Zhurane Hikary-Bhal, Consultant Gynaecologist, Cwn Taf Morgannwg UHB and Kim Mabey, Senior Manager, Commissioning and Delivery Urgent and Elective Care, NHS Devon for an interactive panel discussion that builds on their Group Clinic experience and explores how the model can help deliver elective care reform, including reduced waiting lists. 

This webinar provides a unique opportunity to work with likeminded colleagues to find solutions to one of the biggest waiting challenges we all face.


TUESDAY 29 APRIL 12.30 – 13.30 Delivering the 10 Year Plan: Insights from NHS Kent and Medway Group Clinic Learning Review

NHS Kent and Medway has been running a Group Clinic support programme since 2021. A recent learning review that took a deep dive into how 8 teams had harnessed the model reveals key learnings to support implementation of the three shifts from:

  • Hospital to community
  • Analogue to digital
  • Illness to prevention

Attend this webinar and benefit from the insights generated from the review and hear first-hand how this model of care will be instrumental in delivering the 10 Year Plan vision.


For more information about our webinars and how to get your team delivering group clinics:

(Contact details attached below)