ARRS Roles

The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme was introduced in England in 2019 as a key part of the government’s manifesto commitment to improve access to general practice. Through the scheme, primary care networks (PCNs) can claim reimbursement for the salaries of 17 new roles within the multidisciplinary team, selected to meet the needs of the local population. In expanding general practice capacity, the scheme improves access for patients, supports the delivery of new services and widens the range of offers available in primary care’. (NHSE, 2024)

Additional Role requirements of the Network Contract DES:

To ensure satisfactory provision of health services, a PCN must comply with the following requirements in relation to any Additional Roles: 

a. Additional Roles must:

  •  i. be embedded within the PCN’s Core Network Practices and be fully integrated within the multi-disciplinary team delivering healthcare services to patients; 
  • ii. have access to other healthcare professionals, electronic ‘live’ and paper-based record systems of the PCN’s Core Network Practices, as well as access to admin/office support and training and development as appropriate;
  • iii. have access to appropriate clinical supervision and administrative support;
  • iv. whether the arrangements are through direct employment or engaged via a service contract from a third party, they must be intended for a minimum of six months, unless the purpose is to provide temporary cover (e.g. sickness or parental leave) for an individual employed through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme.

b. The PCN must consider the appropriateness of, and if considered appropriate, the PCN must (whichever is relevant) either carry out or input to, a review and appraisal process for Additional Roles.

c. The PCN must ensure that any Additional Roles comply with the minimum role requirements set out in Annex B of this Network Contract DES Specification to be eligible for the Additional Roles Reimbursement Sum. 

For further information, please see NHSE Network Contract DES document

Responsibilities when employing staff via the ARRS Scheme:

Where a PCN employs or engages a role under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, the PCN must ensure that that individual meets the ‘Minimum Role Requirements’ stipulated in Annex B of the Network DES

CQC Mythbuster: Staff not directly employed by a GP practice

NHS England Additional Roles: Quick reference summary

NHS Futures PCN’s and Practices Support Hub

For Further information on Additional Roles please see

Training Hub Professional Role Ambassadors

Advanced Clinical Practice
Care Co-Ordinator


Health and Wellbeing Coach


Occupational Therapist
Clinical Pharmacist
First Contact Practitioner Physiotherapist
Mental Health Practitioner
Pharmacy Technician
Social Prescribing Link Worker
Enhanced Practice Nurse
Digital and Transformational Lead
General Practice Assistant
Nursing Associate
Physician Associate


Trainee Nursing Associate